
Weather temps in the 50's - 60's 
Wednesday, September 30, 2020, 06:33 AM - Camping, Hiking
Posted by Administrator

:sm CAMPING :sm

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Hornet update 
Friday, July 17, 2020, 09:08 AM - Gear, Skills
Posted by Administrator
Finished mounting Rotax Engine I installed studs and rubber vibration mounts.

Completing some of the flight controls.

I'm working on flight controls, I need to get that worked out so I know where to mount some of the engine components as not to interfear. Rotax is oil injected, water cooled so I must mount radiator, coolent tank and oil tank. I was hopping to go with Air cooled Rotax, I do not like mixing oil / gas, so oil injected little extra weight with water cooling still hoping for Part 103 outcome.

Little extra power from Rotax 467 can't hurt over the 447. And I got great deal on the 467 as it was complete engine less redrive.

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Lots of rain 
Saturday, July 11, 2020, 08:10 AM - Camping, Tips, Skills, Tricks, Fun Facts, Weather Related
Posted by Administrator
Got our yard looking good. nice since I have to stay home so much.

When we get little ran and it cools off we are able to sit out have little campfire drink few beers, I call yard camping, then we go inside sleep in AC bug free.

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My Hornet Gyro Build 
Saturday, July 11, 2020, 07:43 AM - Gear, Tips, Skills, Tricks, Fun Facts
Posted by Administrator
I relize at my age this is very ambisuis undertaking. But I always seem to need a project to be working on. I'm learning to fly, studying at home and online for Sport Pilot so that i can fly in the Ultra light class. My Hornet will be in FAA PART 103, which will not require any registration or lisense to fly. But many hours of instructor training is needed to fly safely.

This project will take several years to complete, Of coarse if I was younger had more money it could be done fairly quickly. But that is not my situation. In the process now of gathering knowledge and materials. I have some Aluminum and have started cutting and layout of the Air Frame. When the main components are fabracited it will start to look like something but will be far from complete. The Air Frame is reletively easy. Flight controls and mechanical systems will take some time.

Laying out Airframe

Pre-Assembly of air frame

Center holes for compression struts.

Test fitting landing gear

Mockup Rotax engine and flight insterments

I hope to get around to making a page just for the build.
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I's been awhile but I'm still here 
Saturday, July 11, 2020, 07:07 AM - Fun Facts, Weather Related
Posted by Administrator

Well I have been awol from camping and outdoor activities. I'ts just been to hot, heat index 105-111 actual temps 94-98 humidities 80- 90+%. I have just been hanging in the AC.

I have been in the shop with the AC on working on my Hornet Gyro.

Cleaning out old junk, gathering up and orginizing all aluminum from the antenna manufactruing. Getting all pieces I started years ago together.

Just moved around some machines, cleaned in some deep corners only accesable by moving machines. Very challenging with daily Thunderstorms I must start early difficult to move stuff outside.

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