
Trike Update and First Test Ride 
Friday, November 23, 2018, 03:56 PM - Gear, Projects- Builds
Posted by Administrator
;bash Many of hours in R&D, Design, Planing cutting up old donner bikes. Then there is paint, several days there. Final assembly cables many adjustments. Re-adjustments, small change, here and there.


First Ride average speed 6.4 mph just nice and easy!

Next phase will be to add light-weight body / wind screen.
Possible Peddle Assist hub motor. with Lipo battteries.
or some other form of electric power.
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Trike Up date Now in paint waiting Assembly 
Tuesday, October 30, 2018, 11:57 AM - Gear, Projects- Builds
Posted by Administrator
Trike is nearing completion, Dissembled completely and primed and painted. Now waiting the complete drying.

Rebuilding the break assembly for the front wheels, I was not happy with the way the R&D set came out it was very hard to get 2 junk bike that were exact to fab the break mounts. So I broke down and bought some new square tube to completely rebuild the assembly, Looking much better.

Still working out the seat need to pad and cover. Also in the works is a Sun Shade for the top.

Not sure the approximate final weight but does not seem to bad. Hoping for under 50 lbs.
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My latest project 3 wheel recumbent trike 
Sunday, October 21, 2018, 03:58 PM - Gear, Projects- Builds
Posted by Administrator
I'm building a 3 wheel recumbent trike on the cheep with junk doner bikes. So far I have cut up bunch old bikes and satellite dishes bolts and metal.

So far time and little wire for the welder.
My quality controll inspector!

Hanging out above the shop.
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