
Ending the year 
Saturday, December 29, 2018, 08:17 AM - Camping, Trips
Posted by Administrator
It's been good year overall, few up and downs. I've been able to continue my daily exercises, finished some old projects. Started some new projects, built a 3 wheel recumbent trike from the ground up my own design. Should be great addition to my excerise plan.

In the last days of the old year I'm planning for the ritualistic camping trip in the woods. Linda and I traditionally go out in the woods for 1 final camp out and bring in the new year camping. I cook big pot of traditional beans over the fire!

So we camp for first and last day of the year! What a great way to end up an start off, with a little dirt time. Spending time outdoors with mother nature, playing the flute eating great food.

Being thankful for all our blessing's, now that is truly Thanksgiving, I can't think of better way to reflect on the past and get ready for what is to come.

If only we could get the kids and grands to in brace the tradition we have started. I know the are building there own tradition's. Some years we backpack, some we just take the van but it's all great!

Forecast this year is for exceptional weather hits in low 80's lows in the mid to upper 60's no rain and clear sky's. It will be like spring in the winter, Yee Haw!!

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