
No riding past few days, 
Sunday, February 4, 2024, 09:13 AM - Skills, Ecotric Ebike
Posted by Administrator

Bike maintenance,
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This is starting to be my regular ride! 
Saturday, January 13, 2024, 11:35 AM - Trips, Skills, Health & Fitness, Ecotric Ebike
Posted by Administrator
My 2 & 20 ride
2 Hours
Zone 2 cardio training Heart Rate 60-80% Max Heart Rate

20 Mile Ride

Today weather overcast 61 deg. and falling, windy 6 - 14 mph
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My typical day and trip around the yard. 
Wednesday, May 24, 2023, 08:00 AM - Fun Facts, Garden, Health & Fitness
Posted by Administrator

My day starts around 05:00
Feed my 2 cats, making bullet proof coffee, checking email and my etsy sales.
then i'm sitting outside at about 06:00-06:30 in garden watching the sun come up.
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ChatGPT testing I ran my blog post through Chat Gpt 
Monday, May 1, 2023, 12:38 PM - Fun Facts
Posted by Administrator
This is the output from ChatGPT on my post.:sm

It sounds like you have made some positive changes to your daily routine to improve your health and well-being. Intermittent fasting and a KETO diet can be effective for weight management and overall health, and it's great that you have been doing it for six years. It's also encouraging that you have noticed improvements in your mental clarity and physical condition.

Regarding your use of NMN and Resveratrol, it's important to note that these supplements are not regulated by the FDA and there is limited scientific evidence to support their benefits. However, it's good that you haven't experienced any negative side effects from taking them. It's also important to be mindful of when you take them, as you have discovered that taking NMN in the evening can lead to a burst of energy that may interfere with your sleep.

It's also great that you are incorporating amino acids like glycine to improve collagen production and that you are staying active with walking and resistance band exercises. Keep up the good work and remember to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed.
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Earthing or Grounding & Health Update 
Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 07:50 AM - Fun Facts, Garden, Health & Fitness
Posted by Administrator

"I have been doing this my whole life without even knowing it. I am almost always barefoot, but for the past two years, I've been wearing barefoot shoes which do not help with grounding or earthing, but they are great for my feet and feel awesome.

When I'm working in the yard or garden and I'm barefoot or walking on wet grass after or during the rain, I can literally feel the Earth's energy. My stress levels drop, any pain goes away, and my whole body feels energised. It supercharges my whole body, and my well-being is greatly improved.

When I have a day at the beach and can lay in wet sand, I feel totally de-stressed and energised! I can feel the energy of the Earth coursing through my whole body, and I will feel energised for days.

I spent many of my formative years at the beach, never realising the awesome benefits or paying much attention to the feelings. I just knew it was a great way to feel, soaking up the sun and grounding.

Now that I'm a little older and somewhat wiser, I pay more attention to how things affect me and the way I feel after making changes like in my diet, exercise, and daily routine, even supplements.

That's probably why I like camping, hiking, and walking in the woods and nature as I'm usually barefoot.

I started new routines with added supplements in January 2023. I somewhat documented the results, doing daily updates, but now I only add updates if things change or if the same effect is present. I will be adding a separate entry on the supplement changes.

I will also note that I do not take any prescription or OTC drugs. Zero, zip, nada, none ever! I have not had a headache in years, like 8-10 years. I used to wake up and take aspirin with my morning coffee. My aches and pains never seemed to stop or end.

As of now, I have very little pain, no headaches, no joint pain, not even after knee surgery twice on the same knee. Little muscle pain after working is a completely normal reaction to activity. If I do need a little pain relief, I use organic turmeric or ginger.

I have had seasonal allergies for most of my life, and I have taken every allergy medicine known to man. But in the last ten years since I drastically changed my lifestyle and diet, I have not suffered from seasonal allergies. If I do get a little sniffle and runny nose, my go-to remedy is stinging nettle. Usually, the symptoms stop within 5-10 minutes, and the only side effect is the burning sensation if I use fresh plant on the skin. Dried and ground, placed in capsules, and taken as a pill, there are no side effects except relief of congestion, runny nose, and watery eyes.

Since I changed my lifestyle, I have stopped eating processed foods, sugar or high fructose corn, commercial bread or wheat products, processed toxic oils like soy, cotton, safflower, and only eat organic avocado or olive oil, and organic unprocessed coconut. I also don't eat red meat, but I do miss grilled steak, and I rarely eat grains, rice, or quinoa.

What I do is eat organic whenever possible, natural, and unprocessed. I eat fresh vegetables and produce whenever possible.

My basic rule is, if man made it, I don't eat it! If God made it, I eat it provided that man has not processed it so that it is unrecognisable as food to the body."

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