
Scouting primitive campsites 
Saturday, November 28, 2020, 03:27 PM - Camping, Hiking, Trips, Skills, Historical Sites
Posted by Administrator
I have been out in the woods scouting for remote and primitive camp sites. I found couple but of course now it would be hunting season. Cool enough to keep bugs at bay but you can not camp dispersed in hunting season.

January I hope to be spending some time in the woods.
I will be camping period mid 1700's to 1840s, no modern gear, Lean to type tent trapper style, fat lamps cooking in the fire, and of course sleeping on the ground.

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Native American Heritage Dinner 
Friday, November 27, 2020, 08:33 AM - Camping, Tips, Skills, Tricks, Fun Facts, Garden
Posted by Administrator

Birds in pot [dutch oven]stuffed with vegs.

First peek

Food ready, table set

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Horseshoe Dutch oven Trivet 
Friday, November 27, 2020, 08:25 AM - Skills
Posted by Administrator

Mike "horseshoe" Anderson hand forged the great looking shoes.

First test worked great cooking dinner for Native American Heritage Day, Aka as Thanksgiving.

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Hornet update 
Friday, July 17, 2020, 09:08 AM - Gear, Skills
Posted by Administrator
Finished mounting Rotax Engine I installed studs and rubber vibration mounts.

Completing some of the flight controls.

I'm working on flight controls, I need to get that worked out so I know where to mount some of the engine components as not to interfear. Rotax is oil injected, water cooled so I must mount radiator, coolent tank and oil tank. I was hopping to go with Air cooled Rotax, I do not like mixing oil / gas, so oil injected little extra weight with water cooling still hoping for Part 103 outcome.

Little extra power from Rotax 467 can't hurt over the 447. And I got great deal on the 467 as it was complete engine less redrive.

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Lots of rain 
Saturday, July 11, 2020, 08:10 AM - Camping, Tips, Skills, Tricks, Fun Facts, Weather Related
Posted by Administrator
Got our yard looking good. nice since I have to stay home so much.

When we get little ran and it cools off we are able to sit out have little campfire drink few beers, I call yard camping, then we go inside sleep in AC bug free.

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